How to Improve Attention Span

Vedran Agovic
3 min readOct 7, 2020


How long is your attention span? Hopefully long enough to read this article and receive some value in return. Are people’s attention spans declining over time? According to some studies, the average human attention span has fallen from 12 seconds in 2000, to about eight seconds today. At the same time, others argue that there is no absolute value assigned to this and it varies by person, age, context, etc. Wherever this number stands, it is fascinating to note this development. Much has transpired over the past two decades and we should be mindful of this. No matter your stance, the goal should be to improve upon any constructive habit. Having a strong and visible attention span is important for many reasons.

Improve Your Attention Span, Photo by Andrea Tummons

More and Less

The information age has brought a change to our general attention span. We are repetitively showered with personal messages, push notifications, emails, adverts, and more. This onslaught has become the norm, creating an obsessive feel. Many crave the mobile phone notification ping just las a smoker craves a nicotine hit. There are more platforms, more outlets, more apps, and more ways to share endless content. Information overload is not occurring by accident. The aggregators of content blurt out one headline after another. This never-ending cycle feeds the mind, since the individual has become a consumer. This is addiction by design. All of this information is tiresome, shortening our fixed attention span, and lowering our level of care.

Problems Arise

On personal level, many suffer from the incapacity to complete daily tasks. Starting and stopping, changing directions and heading towards another end helps no one. Make it a point to focus on one task. Not sure where to start? Ask yourself, what is the most important task I can start right now. This will guide you in the right direction. Another area where distress takes places is in personal communication, struggling to communicate in relationships. Connections cannot function and exist without clear channels of dialogue. To not have the ability to give someone your full attention is disrespectful. Put away the phone at dinner, it can wait. All decisions made have an impact on health.

On a professional level, many suffer from poor performance at work or school. Not having a focused mind can cause one to miss out on important details or crucial information. This is vital in any business setting where all details are pertinent. Lacking clarity in the classroom is a sure way to achieve substandard results. Colleagues are crucial individuals, deserving of time and attention. Collaborative efforts are the norm and without careful thought and consideration, one will ache. Together we can achieve more.

Improve Attention Span with Mindfulness

Make mindfulness a daily habit. Practice daily and reset the mind. To be mindful is to be understanding, to have situational awareness. Knowledge is the first step needed to create change. Lacking awareness creates complacency. Feeling stuck? You are not alone. Take a few minutes to meditate. Get comfortable, rest, and observe. It is difficult to give someone adequate attention if one never gives oneself such time. Learn to step back from the outside noise.

Need a reason to get into fitness? This is a good starting point. Allocate time and mental energy to one form of exercise. Walking is easy and requires little effort. As you walk, let go of your thoughts and observe the outdoors, paying attention to all the vibrant colors. Feel the air. Give nature your attention and give thanks to the universe. It is deserving.

With love,

Vedran Agovic



Vedran Agovic

Mindful citizen. Health and Wellness Architect. Aiming to help alleviate the ongoing suffering. Creating lasting and impactful change.