Adult Development is Change

Vedran Agovic
1 min readMar 8, 2021

Adult development is a lifelong process. It is not something you do once and then disregard. Confidently developing over time takes great effort, care, and consciousness. If there is no mindfulness, there is no understanding and there is no growth. Many people cease to exist the moment they stop developing and growing. Yes, if one is not expanding, one is diminishing.

Why the stoppage? Change takes effort. Stamina. Strength. Commitment. Truth. Complacency is stress-free and so is neglect. Putting things off for tomorrow is easier than doing something today. Watching requires little effort when compared to reading text. Change takes daily effort.

Adult Development is Change, Photo by Product School

Whatever side you stand, do know that the truth cannot be forced but must be seen for what it is. If your truth is not appealing, change it. Yes, an individual holds the power to change the narrative. One’s stubbornness cannot change the truth. One’s action can create lasting change.

Our lives are constantly evolving and so are our thoughts. Adult development requires taking ownership of these thoughts, knowing the importance of every thought. Adult development is a long-term project that never ends. It is something that provides value over time. Invest and spend your time wisely.

With love,

Vedran Agovic



Vedran Agovic

Mindful citizen. Health and Wellness Architect. Aiming to help alleviate the ongoing suffering. Creating lasting and impactful change.